peace, love,and music gathering known as PeckerWoodStock 2006 .
Everybody came to me afterwards and congratulated me for throwing such a successful get together.
The purpose , my intended purpose, was to get a host of people in the like mind for one day, the mind of peace. I was inspired to create an "energy" of peace.
You would not believe the pitfalls and barriers I had to maneuver around to make it happen. I'm not complaining just informing you all that the spirit of the gathering, has depth and meaning, not just a bar be que.
Now let me tell you all this, I don't need people suggesting who I should or should not invite. Everybody in the world is invited, no matter color, creed, political, religious,or sexual preference. It's not a Judgement Gathering, it's about Peace !!
I guess I should explain "Peace". I'm not trying to tell our President what to do, I stand behind my President. I'm not saying the war is wrong, I stand behind our Troops. I want Peace on Earth for us all and believe that the only way to have it is to slowly teach, if only by example, that Peace and peaceful thoughts, will eventually creep into our minds and lives and that will bring it to past. I repeat myself in saying that the average 12 year old has witnessed 10,000 murders. This is not how you bring Peace into the world.
To summarize, come, don't come, but if you do come, try to come with the attitude of forgiveness and peace.
It's depressing that I have to explain why I want to get friends and neighbors, yes and even strangers together in the spirit of good, peaceful, loving, fun. Wheres the trust? Wheres the Love?
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