Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The River is a Risen'

Welcome to Stillwell's Camp !!
Put me in your favorites and check
the weather down at the camp with
Big Bob Stillwell, hopefully daily with stories and hunting reports.
Does Cold and Wet cover it?
I can't get to the Camp today by
usual means. Can't EVEN make it around the main road.I've Emailed
FEMA !! There's NO deer or hogs,
Better be after ducks or fish if you dare risk the rushing waters and deep mud. My dogs are out in it somewhere...Poor Vivian is carrying the U.S. Mail.. I'm not gonna have any excuses for not cleaning up after myself this day.EVEN the north side is flooded !! The day I have time to start a Stillwell's Camp, Sabine River Blog, is the first day I can't get down there and be a part of it.
Well, about a week ago, Raybob and I witnessed a hog so big, I thought it was a man. I saw it again one morning and Rusti didn't feel like playing. Can't say that I blame her. Trailer tree'd a squirrel, and I knocked it out of there for him, but he show'd no interest in a dead squirrel, but Rusti made a snack out of it.
Just before all this weather, Bubba was catchin' Blue Cats at Stillwell's Camp. The day before the weather, Cuz Max's son Jake (I call him Little Toe) was pullin' Sand Bass down at the Mouth of Murvaul.. But Lord knows when and where we'll get to drop a line in this mess again. I'm blueprinting an ARK, but in Bob's Ark, there will be no mosquitoes,rattlesnakes,horse or deer flies.
I'm not complaining, because as we all know, we'll be praying for rain soon enough, heck last summer, a neighbor of mine was plowing his corn, it started popping, his mule thought it was snow, and laid down and froze to death.
Vivian crossed the river bridge on the Shreveport highway yesterday and said that it was so high, she could see under it.
Well folks, thats about a rap, no news is good news, I would like to dedicate this first blog to the late Phillip Peabody, ya'll remember him, he wrote the Hokey Pokey. The trouble started when they tried to put him in his casket. They put his right foot get it.


max said...

Not sure how this works so I thought I would try it out. Did you get your jeep out?

Southnfried said...

Just got your message, lets see, a year and a half ago, I got it, out, thanx for the help. Bob

Will Howard said...

Bob, I found your blog, and I'm interested Texana blogs. Can we email about it? What was your orignial intent? Are you sorta writing a long essay of life along the Sabine? I have a blog at
Will Howard